Hi All! I managed to modify prdbg.c to print the information in a format compatible with Exuberant Ctags (plus some fileds not available in E.Ctags). I just added some arguments to print_debugging_info and created a new debug_write_fns structure with pointers to the replacements needed to generate the data using this format. The code seems to be working and I tested it for a medium weight project that generated more than 10 MB of tags (6 MB after sorting and discarding repeated entries). My question is: should it be accepted? I also patched objdump to use it with a new command line option. The patch is 34 KB, mostly additions to prdbg.c. I attached it to this mail but I think it should be passed by indent before applying it. SET -- Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer) Visit my home page: http://welcome.to/SetSoft or http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/6552/ Alternative e-mail: set@computer.org set@ieee.org Address: Curapaligue 2124, Caseros, 3 de Febrero Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA Phone: +(5411) 4759 0013