Hi Frédéric, OK, I have produced a small patch (attached) which adds this warning message to the linker's output: $ ld test_AArch64_with_REL.o ld: test_AArch64_with_REL.o: Warning: REL type relocations are not expected for architecture 'aarch64' - support may be incomplete This warning does not actually stop the link from completing however. The reason for this is that the code where the relocations are loaded is shared by other tools, which do still work with REL relocations. For example the objdump tool is able to display the relocations without any problems: $ objdump -r test_AArch64_with_REL.o BFD: test_AArch64_with_REL.o: Warning: REL type relocations are not expected for architecture 'aarch64' - support may be incomplete test_AArch64_with_REL.o: file format elf64-littleaarch64 RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text.__icetea__virtual__com_is2t_icetea_support_test_BImpl___bar__I]: OFFSET TYPE VALUE 0000000000000008 R_AARCH64_ABS32 com_is2t_icetea_support_test_AImpl___bar [...] This strikes me as a compromise solution at best, but it is better than the current situation nonetheless. What do you think ? Cheers Nick