Hi, I'm adding support for the assembly syntax of the TI CodeComposer Studio (see -mccs flag in the patch). This is an ongoing work, which already assemblies most of our legacy hand-written assembly sources. I'd like to know: in CCS, all symbols are not exported by default, as explained in the manual: The assembler generates an entry in the symbol table for each .ref, .def, or .global directive in Section 2.6.2). The assembler also creates special symbols that point to the beginning of each section. The assembler does not usually create symbol table entries for any symbols other than those described above, because the linker does not use them. For example, labels (Section 4.7.2) are not included in the symbol table unless they are declared with the .global directive. From this, I have two options here regarding the behavior of the assembler in the TI CCS compatibility mode: 1) do nothing, and make the ".def" TI directive equivalent to ".global", as I currently do in the attached patch. This is currently working. 2) by default, make all labels private as if they would be .Lxxx (I originally did this, and is in the patch within the #ifdef DFG directives, but made no difference) unless they are marked with the ".def" directive. Please let me know if I'm in the good path by following the option 1 (in which case all the DFG code will be gone). Sorry for the lack of test cases and CHANGELOG, but I would really appreciate some early feedback of the patch. Thanks! Daniel. -- Daniel F. Gutson Chief Engineering Officer, SPD San Lorenzo 47, 3rd Floor, Office 5 Córdoba, Argentina Phone: +54 351 4217888 / +54 351 4218211 Skype: dgutson