On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 10:52 PM Frederick Virchanza Gotham wrote: > >> Or, instead of waiting until after all the vtables and typeinfo's have been generated, > I can populate my array as and when these things are generated (I imagine this might > be easier than waiting until they're all generated, but whatever works). Am I right in thinking that I should be looking in the file "bfd/linker.c", Line 1382, at the function "_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol", which you can see here: https://github.com/bminor/binutils-gdb/blob/ 4a2318c9858fdb1899157339f526df3d20e43cfe/bfd/linker.c#L1382 So if the linker is looking through a load of object files (.o), static archives (.a), and shared libraries (.so), every symbol encountered will be processed by the "add_one_symbol" function. And so if I add a few lines to that function to detect symbols beginning with "_ZTI", I can add these symbols to a global container for all the vtables. Also I can detect all the type_info's too. Am I barking up the right tree?