Hi, My name is Sami. https://www.linkedin.com/in/msamikerrouche/  I have built the Number 1 most-rated production studio https://londonmedialounge.co.uk/ in west London. We work with local and global brands such as G4S, Monster Energy, and Xerox as well as local businesses like iStorage, Advanced UK and Brunel University. My Message to you is, You don't need to Hire Content creators anymore! The way I am working with companies is that I allow them to have full access to video producers, photographers, graphic designers and production studios as an extension of their marketing team. They use them creatively (fully) or for production only.  I AM NOT LIKE THE REST; WE ARE VERY COST-EFFECTIVE! You can work with us at different levels. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, I am happy to jump on a call with you and discuss this further.  You can schedule a call with me here https://calendly.com/lmlstudios/30min or call my mobile at your convenience, I'll answer all of your questions.  Happy to help! Sami Kerrouche Co-founder & Business Development Manager London Media Lounge https://londonmedialounge.co.uk/ +44 7577 295184 picture [https://inst.lmlproductions.co.uk/tmid_a/POf4aSLgQ9GUCKKPxVCBP] logo [https://inst.lmlproductions.co.uk/tmid_a/POf4aSLgQ9GUCKKPxVCBP]