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From: "Marek Grác" <>
Subject: fence-agents: master - fence_rsa: New fence agent for rsa with ssh support
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 09:04:00 -0000	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

Commit:        3b6875b351200f38d1ec6e0bd9def3e8a802adb9
Parent:        accb40bae06b8aa9df3539a24f55b608382980c4
Author:        Marek 'marx' Grac <>
AuthorDate:    Wed Apr 1 11:00:30 2009 +0200
Committer:     Marek 'marx' Grac <>
CommitterDate: Wed Apr 1 11:00:30 2009 +0200

fence_rsa: New fence agent for rsa with ssh support

Fence agent is based on fencing library.
 fence/agents/rsa/ |  344 +++++++----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fence/agents/rsa/ b/fence/agents/rsa/
index 831848e..cf736c9 100644
--- a/fence/agents/rsa/
+++ b/fence/agents/rsa/
@@ -1,297 +1,73 @@
-import getopt, sys
-import os
-import socket
-import time
-import atexit
+## The Following Agent Has Been Tested On:
-from telnetlib import Telnet
-TELNET_TIMEOUT=30  #How long to wait for a response from a telnet try
-# WARNING!! Do not add code bewteen "#BEGIN_VERSION_GENERATION" and
-# "#END_VERSION_GENERATION"  It is generated by the Makefile
+import sys, re, pexpect
+from fencing import *
+RELEASE_VERSION="New RSA2 Agent - test release on steroids"
+BUILD_DATE="March, 2009"
-def usage():
-  print "Usage:"
-  print "fence_rsa [options]"
-  print "Options:"
-  print "   -a <ipaddress>           ip or hostname of rsa II port"
-  print "   -h                       print out help"
-  print "   -l [login]               login name"
-  print "   -p [password]            password"
-  print "   -S [path]                script to run to retrieve password"
-  print "   -o [action]              reboot (default), off, on, or status"
-  print "   -v Verbose               Verbose mode"
-  print "   -V                       Print Version, then exit"
-  sys.exit (0)
-def version():
-  print "fence_rsa %s  %s\n" % (RELEASE_VERSION, BUILD_DATE)
-  print "%s\n" % REDHAT_COPYRIGHT
-  sys.exit(0)
-def atexit_handler():
+def get_power_status(conn, options):
-		sys.stdout.close()
-		os.close(1)
-	except IOError:
-		sys.stderr.write("%s failed to close standard output\n"%(sys.argv[0]))
-		sys.exit(1)
+		conn.send("power state\r\n")
+		conn.log_expect(options, options["-c"], SHELL_TIMEOUT)
+	except pexpect.EOF:
+	except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+		fail(EC_TIMED_OUT)
+	status = re.compile("Power: (.*)", re.IGNORECASE).search(conn.before).group(1)
+	return status.lower().strip()
+def set_power_status(conn, options):
+	try:
+		conn.send("power " + options["-o"] + "\r\n")
+		conn.log_expect(options, options["-c"], POWER_TIMEOUT)
+	except pexpect.EOF:
+	except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+		fail(EC_TIMED_OUT)
 def main():
-  POWER_OFF = 0
-  POWER_ON = 1
-  address = ""
-  login = ""
-  passwd = ""
-  passwd_script = ""
-  action = POWER_REBOOT   #default action
-  verbose = False
-  standard_err = 2
-  #set up regex list
-  PROMPT = 2
-  STATE = 3
-  ERROR = 4
-  regex_list = list()
-  regex_list.append("username:")
-  regex_list.append("password:")
-  regex_list.append(".*>")
-  regex_list.append("Power:")
-  regex_list.append("Error:")
-  atexit.register(atexit_handler)
-  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    try:
-      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "a:hl:o:p:S:vV", ["help", "output="])
-    except getopt.GetoptError:
-      #print help info and quit
-      usage()
-      sys.exit(2)
-    for o, a in opts:
-      if o == "-v":
-        verbose = True
-      if o == "-V":
-        version()
-      if o in ("-h", "--help"):
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(0)
-      if o == "-l":
-        login = a
-      if o == "-p":
-        passwd = a
-      if o == "-S":
-        passwd_script = a
-      if o  == "-o":
-        a_lower=a.lower()
-        if a_lower == "off":
-          action = POWER_OFF
-        elif a_lower == "on":
-          action = POWER_ON
-        elif a_lower == "status":
-          action = POWER_STATUS
-        elif a_lower == "reboot":
-          action = POWER_REBOOT
-        else:
-          usage()
-          sys.exit(1)
-      if o == "-a":
-        address = a
-    if address == "" or login == "" or (passwd == "" and passwd_script == ""):
-      usage()
-      sys.exit(1)
-  else: #Take args from stdin...
-    params = {}
-    #place params in dict
-    for line in sys.stdin:
-      val = line.split("=")
-      if len(val) == 2:
-        params[val[0].strip()] = val[1].strip()
-    try:
-      address = params["ipaddr"]
-    except KeyError, e:
-      os.write(standard_err, "FENCE: Missing ipaddr param for fence_rsa...exiting")
-      sys.exit(1)
-    try:
-      login = params["login"]
-    except KeyError, e:
-      os.write(standard_err, "FENCE: Missing login param for fence_rsa...exiting")
-      sys.exit(1)
-    try:
-      if 'passwd' in params:
-        passwd = params["passwd"]
-      if 'passwd_script' in params:
-        passwd_script = params['passwd_script']
-      if passwd == "" and passwd_script == "":
-        raise "missing password"
-    except KeyError, e:
-      os.write(standard_err, "FENCE: Missing passwd param for fence_rsa...exiting")
-      sys.exit(1)
-    try:
-      a = params["option"]
-      a_lower=a.lower()
-      if a_lower == "off":
-        action = POWER_OFF
-      elif a_lower == "on":
-        action = POWER_ON
-      elif a_lower == "reboot":
-        action = POWER_REBOOT
-    except KeyError, e:
-      action = POWER_REBOOT
-    ####End of stdin section
-  # retrieve passwd from passwd_script (if specified)
-  passwd_scr = ''
-  if len(passwd_script):
-    try:
-      if not os.access(passwd_script, os.X_OK):
-        raise 'script not executable'
-      p = os.popen(passwd_script, 'r', 1024)
-      passwd_scr = p.readline().strip()
-      if p.close() != None:
-        raise 'script failed'
-    except:
-      sys.stderr.write('password-script "%s" failed\n' % passwd_script)
-      passwd_scr = ''
-  if passwd == "" and passwd_scr == "":
-    sys.stderr.write('password not available, exiting...')
-    sys.exit(1)
-  elif passwd == passwd_scr:
-    pass
-  elif passwd and passwd_scr:
-    # execute self, with password_scr as passwd,
-    # if that fails, continue with "passwd" argument as password
-    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-      comm = sys.argv[0]
-      skip_next = False
-      for w in sys.argv[1:]:
-        if skip_next:
-          skip_next = False
-        elif w in ['-p', '-S']:
-          skip_next = True
-        else:
-          comm += ' ' + w
-      comm += ' -p ' + passwd_scr
-      ret = os.system(comm)
-      if ret != -1 and os.WIFEXITED(ret) and os.WEXITSTATUS(ret) == 0:
-        # success
-        sys.exit(0)
-      else:
-        sys.stderr.write('Use of password from "passwd_script" failed, trying "passwd" argument\n')
-    else: # use stdin
-      p = os.popen(sys.argv[0], 'w', 1024)
-      for par in params:
-        if par not in ['passwd', 'passwd_script']:
-          p.write(par + '=' + params[par] + '\n')
-      p.write('passwd=' + passwd_scr + '\n')
-      p.flush()
-      if p.close() == None:
-        # success
-        sys.exit(0)
-      else:
-        sys.stderr.write('Use of password from "passwd_script" failed, trying "passwd" argument\n')
-  elif passwd_scr:
-    passwd = passwd_scr
-  # passwd all set
-  ##Time to open telnet session and log in. 
-  try:
-    sock = Telnet(address.strip())
-  except socket.error, (errno, msg):
-    my_msg = "FENCE: A problem was encountered opening a telnet session with " + address
-    os.write(standard_err, my_msg)
-    os.write(standard_err, ("FENCE: Error number: %d -- Message: %s\n" % (errno, msg)))
-    os.write(standard_err, "Firewall issue? Correct address?\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-  if verbose:
-    print  "socket open to %s\n" % address
-  ##This loop offers all expected responses in the regex_list, and
-  ##handles responses accordingly.
-  while 1:
-    i, mo, txt = sock.expect(regex_list, TELNET_TIMEOUT)
-    if i == ERROR:
-      os.write(standard_err,("FENCE: An error was encountered when communicating with the rsa device at %s" % address))
-      buf = sock.read_eager()
-      os.write(standard_err,("FENCE: The error message is - %s" % txt + " " + buf))
-      sock.close()
-      sys.exit(1)
-    if i == USERNAME:
-      if verbose:
-        print "Sending login: %s\n" % login
-      sock.write(login + "\r")
-    elif i == PASSWORD:
-      if verbose:
-        print "Sending password: %s\n" % passwd
-      sock.write(passwd + "\r")
-    elif i == PROMPT:
-      if verbose:
-        print "Evaluating prompt...%s\n" % txt
-      if action == POWER_OFF:
-        if verbose:
-          print "Sending power off command to %s\n" % address
-        sock.write("power off\r")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        if verbose:
-          buf = sock.read_eager()
-          print "result from power off command is: %s" % buf
-        break
-      if action == POWER_ON:
-        if verbose:
-          print "Sending power on %s" % address
-        sock.write("power on\r")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        break
-      if action == POWER_STATUS:
-        if verbose:
-          print "Checking power state..."
-        sock.write("power state\r")
-        time.sleep(2)
-      if action == POWER_REBOOT:
-        if verbose:
-          print "Rebooting server..."
-        sock.write("power cycle\r")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        break
-    elif i == STATE:
-      power_state = sock.read_until("State:")
-      if power_state.find(" On") != (-1):
-        print "Server is On"
-      elif power_state.find(" Off") != (-1):
-        print "Server is off"
-      break
-  sock.close()
+	device_opt = [  "help", "version", "agent", "quiet", "verbose", "debug",
+			"action", "ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "passwd_script",
+			"cmd_prompt", "secure" ]
+	atexit.register(atexit_handler)
+	options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
+	## 
+	## Fence agent specific defaults
+	#####
+	if 0 == options.has_key("-c"):
+		options["-c"] = ">"
+	# This device will not allow us to login even with LANG=C
+#	os.unsetenv("LANG")
+	if "LANG" in os.environ:
+		del os.environ["LANG"]
+	##
+	## Operate the fencing device
+	######
+	conn = fence_login(options)
+	fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, None)
+	##
+	## Logout from system
+	######
+	conn.sendline("exit")
+	conn.close()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-  main()
+	main()

                 reply	other threads:[~2009-04-01  9:04 UTC|newest]

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