[friedhelm@fedora-vm work-dir]$ ct-ng build [INFO ] Performing some trivial sanity checks [INFO ] Build started 20120221.105247 [INFO ] Building environment variables [EXTRA] Preparing working directories [EXTRA] Installing user-supplied crosstool-NG configuration [EXTRA] ================================================================= [EXTRA] Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration [EXTRA] Building a toolchain for: [EXTRA] build = i686-pc-linux-gnu [EXTRA] host = i686-pc-linux-gnu [EXTRA] target = arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi [EXTRA] Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration: done in 0.14s (at 00:18) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs [INFO ] Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs: done in 0.16s (at 00:18) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Extracting and patching toolchain components [INFO ] Extracting and patching toolchain components: done in 0.50s (at 00:19) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing GMP [EXTRA] Configuring GMP [EXTRA] Building GMP [EXTRA] Installing GMP [INFO ] Installing GMP: done in 91.66s (at 01:50) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing MPFR [EXTRA] Configuring MPFR [EXTRA] Building MPFR [EXTRA] Installing MPFR [INFO ] Installing MPFR: done in 19.97s (at 02:10) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing PPL [EXTRA] Configuring PPL [EXTRA] Building PPL [EXTRA] Installing PPL [INFO ] Installing PPL: done in 73.51s (at 03:24) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing CLooG/ppl [EXTRA] Configuring CLooG/ppl [EXTRA] Building CLooG/ppl [EXTRA] Installing CLooG/ppl [INFO ] Installing CLooG/ppl: done in 5.39s (at 03:29) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing binutils [EXTRA] Configuring binutils [EXTRA] Building binutils [EXTRA] Installing binutils [INFO ] Installing binutils: done in 44.90s (at 04:14) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing static core C compiler [EXTRA] Configuring static core C compiler [EXTRA] Building static core C compiler [EXTRA] Installing static core C compiler [INFO ] Installing static core C compiler: done in 83.63s (at 05:38) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing kernel headers [EXTRA] Installing kernel headers [EXTRA] Checking installed headers [INFO ] Installing kernel headers: done in 4.59s (at 05:43) [INFO ] ================================================================= [INFO ] Installing C library headers & start files [EXTRA] Configuring C library [EXTRA] Installing C library headers [ERROR] make[2]: *** [manual/install-headers] Error 2 [ERROR] make[1]: *** [install-headers] Error 2 [ERROR] [ERROR] >> [ERROR] >> Build failed in step 'Installing C library headers & start files' [ERROR] >> called in step '(top-level)' [ERROR] >> [ERROR] >> Error happened in: CT_DoExecLog[scripts/functions@172] [ERROR] >> called from: do_libc_backend_once[scripts/build/libc/glibc-eglibc.sh-common@381] [ERROR] >> called from: do_libc_backend[scripts/build/libc/glibc-eglibc.sh-common@144] [ERROR] >> called from: do_libc_start_files[scripts/build/libc/glibc-eglibc.sh-common@60] [ERROR] >> called from: main[scripts/crosstool-NG.sh@597] [ERROR] >> [ERROR] >> For more info on this error, look at the file: 'build.log' [ERROR] >> There is a list of known issues, some with workarounds, in: [ERROR] >> '/usr/local/share/doc/crosstool-ng/ct-ng.1.14.1/B - Known issues.txt' [ERROR] [ERROR] (elapsed: 6:10.63) [06:11] / make: *** [build] Error 2 [friedhelm@fedora-vm work-dir]$