At 06:16 PM 6/24/00 -0500, Christopher Bahns wrote: Can anyone help on where to find the code for the __modsi3 function? We are having the same kinds of problems here with the powerpc cross compiler.  Math functions are poorly (if at all) documented, I am afraid.  If someone can point to a good reference, I would be very grateful.  We're about to embark on the construction of a FP math emulation library, and I honestly have no idea where to start on that yet.  It does not appear to be part of newlib :^(  However, I have digressed... Bonus question: Is there a GCC option to generate an assembly listing without affecting the build process. I know about the '-S' option, which generates assembly code INSTEAD of object code (unless I'm just not using it right). YES!  Here's something cut from our makefiles:          $(CC) -S $(CC_OPTS) -o $(DIR_ASM)/$*.$(SUFFIX_ASM) $<          $(AS) -X $(AS_OPTS) -o $@ $(DIR_ASM)/$*.$(SUFFIX_ASM) -alh=$(DIR_LISTING)/$*.$(SUFFIX_ASM_LISTING) The important part you're interested in is the "-alh=listing_file_name.  I think this should be pretty self-explanatory with the macros not expanded, let me know if not. ------ Want more information? See the CrossGCC FAQ, Want to unsubscribe? Send a note to