Hi Bret, Does Cygwin have a contract, or vendor management solution? Most companies don't, unless they've failed an audit, or suffered a costly error when they've missed an important date. That's typically the only time the high cost of a contract management solution can be justified. Until now. We're Trident and our solution is not only easy-to-use, it's surprisingly affordable. In fact, a single user license costs no more than $99/month. More importantly, centralizing and managing contracts with Trident will drop 10 percent to Cygwin's bottom line, according to the Gartner Group. Bret, don't wait for that 'one' employee who's been with you forever to leave - the one with all the institutional knowledge about your vendor, employee, or client contracts. We can help 'institutionalize' that institutional memory today. Just give me a date and time when you're free and I'll walk you through how easy and inexpensive it is to add 10 percent to your bottom line. Regards, Todd Steiner Trident Contract Management President/CEO 630-405-0700 2918 Marketplace Drive, Madison, WI 53719 If you would prefer cygwin-announce@cygwin.com be excluded from our next outreach, please click here http://i.ms00.net/remove?trident:*:1708703558.52766:cygwin-announce%40cygwin.com:e . This message was sent to cygwin-announce@cygwin.com X-PMG-Recipient: cygwin-announce@cygwin.com pmguid:3kl.1c2ly.7bf83