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Subject: [cygwin-apps htdocs - The cygwin-apps website files] branch master, updated. f975d95f5857ee1a7607c9f55e4a0c0a7af23966
X-Git-Refname: refs/heads/master
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Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2023 17:45:40 +0000 (GMT)
From: Jon Turney
commit f975d95f5857ee1a7607c9f55e4a0c0a7af23966
Author: Jon Turney
Date: Sat Mar 11 17:44:58 2023 +0000
More gitweb -> cgit
index.html | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 1a5a8df..5046458 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -33,27 +33,27 @@ git remote set-url origin --push ssh://
-- base-cygwin - Initial base installation helper script
-- base-files - A set of important system configuration and setup files
-- calm - Cygwin server-side packaging maintenance script
-- crypt - a library implementing the hopelessly outdated 56 bit DES encryption
-- csih - Cygwin service installation helper, a helper script and tools to create service installation scripts
-- cygport - the Cygwin package building tool
-- cygrunsrv - a wrapper for unix daemons to make them controllable as windows services
-- cygutils - Chuck Wilson's collection of Cygwin utilities
-- editrights - A helper tool to change user privileges
-- genini - Script to create setup.ini files on a local machine
-- ipc-utils - XSI IPC maintenance utilities
-- login - The unix login(1), tweaked for Cygwin
-- mt - The unix mt(1) tool with Cygwin-specific extensions
-- rebase - The rebase tool, core of the automatic rebase facility during postinstall
-- robots - The game; Fight against maniac robots
-- run - Launch cmdline programs with hidden console
-- setup - the official Cygwin setup program used to install Cygwin and keep it up to date.
-- shutdown - Shutdown, reboot, hibernate or suspend the machine.
-- windows-default-manifest - The manifest each executable has to be linked against since Windows 8.1
-- xorg-doc - Cygwin XOrg documentation
-- htdocs - The cygwin-apps website files
+- base-cygwin - Initial base installation helper script
+- base-files - A set of important system configuration and setup files
+- calm - Cygwin server-side packaging maintenance script
+- crypt - a library implementing the hopelessly outdated 56 bit DES encryption
+- csih - Cygwin service installation helper, a helper script and tools to create service installation scripts
+- cygport - the Cygwin package building tool
+- cygrunsrv - a wrapper for unix daemons to make them controllable as windows services
+- cygutils - Chuck Wilson's collection of Cygwin utilities
+- editrights - A helper tool to change user privileges
+- genini - Script to create setup.ini files on a local machine
+- ipc-utils - XSI IPC maintenance utilities
+- login - The unix login(1), tweaked for Cygwin
+- mt - The unix mt(1) tool with Cygwin-specific extensions
+- rebase - The rebase tool, core of the automatic rebase facility during postinstall
+- robots - The game; Fight against maniac robots
+- run - Launch cmdline programs with hidden console
+- setup - the official Cygwin setup program used to install Cygwin and keep it up to date.
+- shutdown - Shutdown, reboot, hibernate or suspend the machine.
+- windows-default-manifest - The manifest each executable has to be linked against since Windows 8.1
+- xorg-doc - Cygwin XOrg documentation
+- htdocs - The cygwin-apps website files