NAME="pigz" VERSION=2.8 RELEASE=1 CATEGORY="Archive" SUMMARY="Parallel Implementation of GZip" DESCRIPTION="pigz, which stands for Parallel Implementation of GZip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores when compressing data." HOMEPAGE="" LICENSE="zlib" # REQUIRES="zlib" SRC_URI="${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" BUILD_REQUIRES="zlib-devel ncompress gzip" src_compile() { cd ${S} lndirs cd ${B} echo ${CFLAGS} cygmake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" } src_test() { cd ${B} cygmake test } src_install() { cd ${B} exeinto /bin doexe pigz.exe doexe unpigz.exe doman pigz.1 }