cgf has asked me to take over tcl/tk/expect maintainership and transition the distro from our Win32/GDI hybrid 8.4 to the *NIX/X11 8.5 currently in Ports. ITA: expect tcltk (to be obsoleted) ITP (in place of tcltk): tcl tcl-itcl tcl-itk tcl-iwidgets tcl-tix tcl-tk (I have more extensions in Ports if anyone needs them.) The packages are currently available in Ports here: For the purpose of a smooth upgrade, affected maintainers should run the following commands before rebuilding: # cygcheck -l tcltk | d2u | xargs rm -f # tar jxf tcl-8.5.10-1.tar.bz2 -C / # tar jxf tcl-tk-8.5.10-1.tar.bz2 -C / Once rebuilt, please respond to this email with an RFU, and I'll upload once enough is in place to avoid breaking the distro. The following packages will need an IMMEDIATE rebuild: * db [tcl-dbX.Y] (Dr. Volker Zell) new requires: tcl notes: perhaps you should just build the latest db 4.x and/or 5.x with this tcl and we can drop the earlier bindings? * ming [tcl-ming] (Dr. Volker Zell) new requires: tcl notes: needs a pkgIndex.tcl file to be of any use * python[-tkinter] (Jason Tishler) new requires: tcl tcl-tk tcl-tix notes: requires attached patch * ruby (Corinna Vinschen) new requires: tcl tcl-tk notes: I suggest making a make separate ruby-tcltk package due to the additional deps. * suite3270 [tcl3270] (Peter A. Castro) new requires: tcl * WordNet (Dr. Volker Zell) new requires: tcl tcl-tk notes: needs patches for security vulnerabilities, patches available from all major distros, e.g.:;a=tree The following packages do NOT require an immediate rebuild, so I'll just change their requires on sourceware accordingly: * catdoc (Reini Urban) new requires: tcl tcl-tk * gdb (cgf) Version 7.x no longer requires tcltk. * git [gitg/git-gui] (Eric Blake) new requires: tcl tcl-tk notes: need to ditch the cygpath line with the next release Yaakov Cygwin/X