Hi Jon, On Feb 18 13:28, Jon TURNEY wrote: > > These packages contain the minidump analysis part of breakpad, a > multi-platform crash reporting and analysis system using minidumps. > > It doesn't make much sense to package the libbreakpad_client crash handling > library, as this conflicts with cygwin's error_start facility. It might make > some sense to make MinGW cross-compiled packages of libbreakpad_client in the > future. > > I can't find this in any major linux distribution, so votes are required. > > * google-breakpad-tools > > This package contains the minidump_dump and minidump_stackwalk tools > > The breakpad_dump_syms tool for generating breakpad symbol files has been > patched to read DWARF debug sections from a PE/COFF file (but see [1]). > > The core2md and md2core tools to convert between minidump and core files have > not been ported. > > The symsrv_convert tool, which reads PDB debug info from a MS symbol server > and converts it to a breakpad symbol file is very hard to port, as it uses the > MS DIA SDK and ATL. > > setup.hint: > > category: Devel > requires: libcurl4 libstdc++6 > sdesc: "google-breakpad (tools)" > ldesc: "google-breakpad (tools)" > external-source: google-breakpad > > * google-breakpad-devel > > This package contains libbreakpad, a library for minidump processing. > > setup.hint: > > category: Devel > requires: > sdesc: "google-breakpad (minidump processing library)" > ldesc: "google-breakpad (minidump processing library)" > external-source: google-breakpad > > files: > > http://www.dronecode.org.uk/cygwin/x86/release/google-breakpad/google-breakpad-1279-1-src.tar.xz > http://www.dronecode.org.uk/cygwin/x86/release/google-breakpad/google-breakpad-tools/google-breakpad-tools-1279-1.tar.xz > http://www.dronecode.org.uk/cygwin/x86/release/google-breakpad/google-breakpad-devel/google-breakpad-devel-1279-1.tar.xz Packaging looks fine and I think this is interesting new functionality, so I vote +1. However, did you only provide a 32 bit package for a reason? Thanks, Corinna -- Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Red Hat