On Jun 4 19:10, David Stacey wrote: > I've been using gcovr to generate coverage reports, and I'd be happy to > maintain this for Cygwin. Before submitting a package, I'd be grateful if > someone could check the licence [1]. > > It's a fairly standard 3-clause BSD affair, but with the caveat that 'the > U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.' It isn't clear (to > me, at least) what rights are being referred to. Would such a clause > prohibit its inclusion in Cygwin? > > Note that gcovr isn't available for Fedora or CentOS, although this could be > because it hasn't been packaged for these distros, rather than any > incompatibility in the licence. It is, however, available for Debian and > Ubuntu [2]. > > Any thoughts on its suitability for Cygwin? Let me ask somebody who knows this better than me... Thanks, Corinna -- Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Red Hat