On Jul 16 11:10, Achim Gratz wrote: > Achim Gratz writes: > > I've finally got that update installed on my Windows10 box and sure > > enough I immediately got fork problems (on 32bit only). Since this > > update the WoW64 DLLs get mapped below 0x70000000: > > …and on each reboot these end up somewhere else, sometimes even above > 0x7000000 as intended. It seems the Windows team raised the size of the ASLR pool on 32 bit, at least on wow64. > > In all likelyhood that means we can't really support 32bit on Windows 10 > > anymore unless there's a way to stabilize the addresses used by these > > DLL and then teaching rebaselst to rebase from a lower starting point. > > Or we will have to ask our users to reboot more often. :-( Sounds like a plan. On Wow64 we have the upper 2 Gigs address space for us, but I vaguely recall that there was a problem moving the DLLs into this area. That's why we only have heap and mmap there these days. Maybe we should reconsider... But, then again, what's the lowest address for the wow64 DLLs you observed? And what about native 32 bit (no wow64 DLLs)? We can't stabilize the address for the Windows DLLs, but we can obviously adapt to it by changing rebase. Corinna -- Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Red Hat