Hi! Marco and Tony, CMake 3.19.2 has been released in the upstream. https://blog.kitware.com/cmake-3-19-2-available-for-download/ A new candidate cmake.cygport has been uploaded (and is attached to this mail): https://github.com/cygwin-lem/cygwin-pkg/blob/cmake_3.19.2-1/cmake/cmake.cygport . Former patches have been merged into upstream 3.19. Use default src_install(), still cmake-mode.el will be properly installed. Add new packages: bash-completion-cmake and vim-cmake. Add BUILD_REQUIRES list, but it might be insufficient. Generated packages except debuginfo files (300MB+) have been uploaded to https://app.box.com/s/8q5mpv4kv080jxsyc5tbongrerwfzbuz Regards, Lem