NAME="AMF" VERSION=1.4.29 RELEASE=1 LICENSE="MIT" CATEGORY="Devel" SUMMARY="Advanced Media Framework (AMF) SDK" DESCRIPTION="A light-weight, portable multimedia framework that abstracts away most of the platform and API-specific details. AMF is supported on the closed source AMD Pro driver and OpenMax on the open source AMD Mesa driver, whose dlls are dynamically loaded by the SDK header. The codec itself is impelemted in the dlls and the AMD GPU." HOMEPAGE="" ARCH="noarch" # This is noarch because it's just header files. SRC_URI="${NAME}-cleaned-${VERSION}.tar.xz" # Make dummy source file for prep if the cleaned one is not exist. if [ ! -f ${SRC_URI} ] then mkdir ${NAME}-${VERSION} touch ${NAME}-${VERSION}/dummy tar acf ${SRC_URI} ${NAME}-${VERSION} rm -rf ${NAME}-${VERSION} fi CYGPORT_USE_UNSTABLE_API=1 src_unpack_hook() { if [ $(tar tvf ../../../${SRC_URI} | wc -l) -eq 2 ] # Source file is dummy then NV=${NAME}-${VERSION} pushd .. rm -rf ${NV} # Remove dummy source file. # Download original source file. wget${VERSION}.tar.gz tar xf v${VERSION}.tar.gz rm -f v${VERSION}.tar.gz # Remove unnecessary files. rm -rf ${NV}/Thirdparty ${NV}/amf/public/common ${NV}/amf/public/make ${NV}/amf/public/proj ${NV}/amf/public/props ${NV}/amf/public/samples ${NV}/amf/public/src ${NV}/amf/doc ${NV}/.github # Make cleaned source file which has only necessary header files. tar acf ../../${NAME}-cleaned-${VERSION}.tar.xz ${NV} popd fi } src_compile() { : } src_install() { mkdir -p ${D}/usr/include # Just make symlink for header files. ln -fs ${S}/amf/public/include ${D}/usr/include/${NAME} }