On 9/20/2021 8:57 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps wrote: > On 9/20/2021 1:58 AM, ASSI wrote: >> Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps writes: >>> 2. Create a script /usr/bin/rebaselst_usr similar to rebaselst, with a >>> few modifications: >>> >>> a) All files are in the user's home directory: >>> >>> l=${HOME}/.config/rebase >>> b=${HOME}/.cache/rebase >>> db=${l}/dynpath.d I've taken a stab at this (attached). The appropriate command, then, is 'rebaselst_usr dyn rebase'. Within emacs I would use something like (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) (call-process "rebaselst_usr" nil '(:file "") nil "dyn" "rebase")) I'm not sure yet where this would go so that it's called after compilation but before the compiled file is loaded. I'll see if Eli can help. Ken