I've been experimenting with setup's support for the 'provides:' tag, and it's not behaving the way I expect [*]. I'm not sure if something in setup's interface with libsolv needs to be tweaked or if I'm just misunderstanding how this should work. Here's what I tried: I created a test repo with packages A, B, and C. I made A require foo (not a package), and I made B and C provide foo. The attached script does all this [**]. I then ran setup and selected A for installation. The result was that libsolv simply chose B for installation, and setup showed this in the "Confirm" dialog. What I expected was that libsolv would report a problem ("A requires foo but no selected or installed packages provide it"), with two possible solutions ("Install B or C"). Is that expectation unreasonable? I plan to look into the libsolv sources to see if I can fix this, but I'm hoping that someone already knows the answer. Ken [*] I actually have a use in mind for 'provides:' in the emacs packaging, so I'd like to get this working. [**] This requires using mksetupini from the calm git repo. The released version of calm doesn't support 'provides:'.