#|/usr/bin/cygport # tek4010.cygport - tek4010 Cygwin package build control script NAME=tek4010 VERSION=1.5 RELEASE=1 CATEGORY="X11 Shells" SUMMARY="Tektronix 4010, 4013, 4014, 4015 and ARDS terminal emulator" DESCRIPTION=" Full support of Tektronix 4010, 4013, 4014, and 4015 storage tube terminals, and Computer Displays Inc. Advanced Remote Display Station for Project MAC. Coordinate system: 4096x3072 Tek points and 1024x780: full screen resolution in -full mode; standard resolution of 1024x780 points; scaled smaller resolution for lower resolution screens. All Tektronix 4014 modes, including graphical input mode (GIN), write-through mode, grayscale images (Tektronix 4014 intensity chart), and the bright drawing spot support. APL character set and keyboard for Tektronix 4013 and Tektronix 4015. Direct display of GNU and historical plotlib files. Telnet, rsh, and serial connections to historical host computers and simulators." HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/rricharz/Tek4010" GIT_URI="https://github.com/rricharz/Tek4010.git" PATCH_URI="makefile.patch tube.c.patch" inherit git # no src subdirectory SRC_DIR=Tek4010 # use DESTDIR USE_DESTDIR=1 # Build dependencies DEPEND="make binutils gcc-core libgtk3-devel" src_compile() { pushd ${B} lndirs /bin/rm -f $NAME cygmake popd } # test must be on terminal: just list version src_test() { pushd ${B} ./$NAME /bin/true popd } inherit font src_install() { doicon Tek4010.png pushd ${B} cyginstall # version log, manuals dir README png dodoc versions.txt *.png manuals/*.* # APL font and tests insinto /usr/share/$NAME/apl doins apl/* fontinto Apl385 dofont apl/Apl385.ttf # ARDS emulator files insinto /usr/share/$NAME/ardsfiles doins ardsfiles/*.* # plotlib files insinto /usr/share/$NAME/pltfiles doins pltfiles/*.* *.plt insinto /usr/share/$NAME/pltfiles/gsxbasic doins pltfiles/gsxbasic/*.* insinto /usr/share/$NAME/pltfiles/ICEMD_pltfiles doins pltfiles/ICEMD_pltfiles/*.* insinto /usr/share/$NAME/pltfiles/More_pltfiles doins pltfiles/More_pltfiles/*.* insinto /usr/share/$NAME/pltfiles/PointPlot doins pltfiles/PointPlot/*.* # test programs insinto /usr/share/$NAME/tektests doins tektests/* # demo scripts exeinto /usr/share/$NAME/demos doexe demo.sh fdemo.sh gdemo.sh demo.sh ICEMD_demo.sh # X desktop make_desktop_entry "/usr/bin/tek4010 -noexit" Tek4010 Tek4010 \ 'Graphics;Viewer;2DGraphics;VectorGraphics;System;TerminalEmulator;GTK' \ "Tektronix 4010, 4013, 4014, 4015 Storage Tube and ARDS Graphical Display Terminal Emulator" \ GenericName=Terminal Terminal=no popd } # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-like LICENSE="GPL3" LICENSE_SPDX="SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL3" LICENSE_URI="LICENCE" CYGWIN_MAINTAINER="Brian%20Inglis" CYGWIN_MAINTAINER_EMAIL="Brian.Inglis@SystematicSW.ab.ca" UPSTREAM_MAINTAINER="Rene Richarz" UPSTREAM_MAINTAINER_EMAIL="rricharz77@gmail.com" SUBJECT="Package%20$NAME%20$VERSION" MAILTO="mailto:$UPSTREAM_MAINTAINER_EMAIL,$UPSTREAM_EMAIL\ ?to=$UPSTREAM_MAINTAINER%20%3C$UPSTREAM_MAINTAINER_EMAIL%3E\ &to=$UPSTREAM_MAINTAINER%20%3C$UPSTREAM_EMAIL%3E\ &from=$CYGWIN_MAINTAINER%20%3C$CYGWIN_MAINTAINER_EMAIL%3E\ &subject=$SUBJECT&body=$SUBJECT" # vim:ft=sh: