This is a half-hearted ITP for GNU mailutils ( I'd like some feedback before I proceed. My only interest in mailutils is that it provides a utility movemail.exe, which is used by emacs.[*] But I looked into providing a complete build of mailutils and various subpackages along the lines of Debian[**], and it turned out to be straightforward. My cygport file and patches are attached. I ran the testsuite, and there were 42 failures and 3 skips out of 978 tests. The failures ought to be looked at, but I don't this is too bad. Ideally, the packaging should be done by someone who is actually has some technical knowledge about email. One or two people expressed interest in 2010 and 2011, but they apparently gave up because they didn't know how to deal with the "undefined symbol" errors. If no one steps forward, I'm willing to do it, but I can't really provide support for users beyond trying to help with debugging. Alternatively, I could just package the minimum needed for movemail.exe. Comments are welcome. Ken [*] emacs provides its own movemail.exe for systems that don't have mailutils, but it is inferior to the one provided by mailutils and even has some security risks. [**]