# XXXCRD: this is not finished yet! # we still need to account for the fact that it should generate multiple # packages, lib, -devel, main NAME="passwdqc" VERSION=2.0.2 RELEASE=1 CATEGORY="Security" SUMMARY="password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement toolset" DESCRIPTION="passwdqc is a password/passphrase strength checking and policy enforcement toolset, including command-line programs (pwqcheck, pwqfilter, and pwqgen), and a library (libpasswdqc). pwqcheck and pwqgen are standalone password/passphrase strength checking and random passphrase generator programs, respectively, which are usable from scripts. The pwqfilter program searches, creates, or updates binary passphrase filter files, which can also be used with pwqcheck. libpasswdqc is the underlying library, which can also be used from third-party programs." HOMEPAGE="https://www.openwall.com/passwdqc/" SRC_URI="https://www.openwall.com/passwdqc/passwdqc-2.0.2.tar.gz https://www.openwall.com/passwdqc/passwdqc-2.0.2.tar.gz.sign" LICENSE=BSD-3-Clause LICENSE_SPDX="SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause" LICENSE_URI=LICENSE PKG_NAMES="${NAME} lib${NAME}0 lib${NAME}-devel" passwdqc_CONTENTS=" usr/bin/pwq*.exe usr/share/doc/passwdqc/ usr/share/man/man1/* " libpasswdqc0_CATEGORY="Libs" libpasswdqc0_SUMMARY="password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement library" libpasswdqc0_CONTENTS=" usr/bin/cygpasswdqc-0.dll " libpasswdqc_devel_CATEGORY="Libs" libpasswdqc_devel_SUMMARY=${libpasswdqc0_SUMMARY} libpasswdqc_devel_CONTENTS=" etc/passwdqc.conf usr/include/*.h usr/lib/libpasswdqc.dll.a usr/share/man/man3/* usr/share/man/man5/* " src_compile() { lndirs cd $B cygmake utils } src_install() { cd $B cygmake DESTDIR=$D install_lib install_utils dodoc CHANGES INTERNALS LICENSE README }