NAME="zziplib" VERSION=0.13.71 RELEASE=1 CATEGORY="Archive" SUMMARY="ZIP file library" DESCRIPTION="The zziplib library provides read access to zipped files in a zip-archive, using compression based solely on free algorithms provided by zlib. It also provides a functionality to overlay the archive filesystem with the filesystem of the operating system environment." HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="${VERSION}/${NAME}-v${VERSION}.tar.gz" PATCH_URI="0.13.62-no-undefined.patch" BUILD_REQUIRES="zlib-devel zip python3" PKG_NAMES="${NAME} libzzip0.13 libzzip-devel" zziplib_SUMMARY="ZIP file utilities" zziplib_CONTENTS="usr/bin/*.exe usr/share/doc/" libzzip0_13_CONTENTS="usr/bin/*-0-13.dll" libzzip_devel_CONTENTS="usr/include/ usr/lib/ usr/share/aclocal/ usr/share/man/" DIFF_EXCLUDES="" # xmlto fails to create man pages for unknown reasons. Force the # build to use the supplied instead. CYGCONF_ARGS=" --with-zlib=/usr ac_cv_header_windows_h=no ac_cv_header_winbase_h=no ac_cv_header_winnt_h=no ac_cv_path_XMLTO= "