NAME="xforms" VERSION=1.2.4 RELEASE=1 SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" PATCH_URI="fdesign.patch" PATCH_URI+=" texi2dvi_needs_pdf.patch" PATCH_URI+=" html_doc.patch" HOMEPAGE="" SUMMARY="The XForms graphical interface widget library" DESCRIPTION="This is a GUI toolkit based on the X library for X Window Systems. It features a rich set of objects, such as buttons, sliders, and menus etc. integrated into an easy and efficient object/event callback execution model that allows fast and easy construction of X-applications. In addition, the library is extensible and new objects can easily be created and added to the library." # There's no "x" in the non-source package names, per libforms.spec. PKG_NAMES="${PN} libforms2 libforms-devel libforms-doc" xforms_CATEGORY="X11 Libs" libforms2_CATEGORY="X11 Libs" libforms_devel_CATEGORY="X11 Devel" libforms_doc_CATEGORY="X11 Doc" xforms_CONTENTS= # source only libforms2_CONTENTS=" usr/bin/cyg*-2.dll usr/share/doc/xforms/ChangeLog usr/share/doc/xforms/COPYING.LIB usr/share/doc/xforms/README " libforms_devel_CONTENTS=" usr/bin/fd2ps.exe usr/bin/fdesign.exe usr/include usr/lib usr/share/man " libforms_doc_CONTENTS=" usr/share/doc/xforms/html usr/share/doc/xforms/xforms.pdf usr/share/info " CYGCONF_ARGS="--enable-docs TEXI2HTML=yes MAKEINFO=makeinfo" DEPEND="libXpm-devel libGL-devel libjpeg-devel texinfo-tex ImageMagick" DIFF_EXCLUDES="*.info*" # An out-of-tree build fails because generated headers in the build # directory aren't found. src_compile() { cd ${S} cygautoreconf lndirs cd ${B} cygconf cygmake }