On 09/06/2020 20:53, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-apps wrote: > > It is probably possible to build > > python36-wx and python37-wx together with the same source package. > The only files of the binaries they seem to share are > > usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/PyCrust.png > usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/PyCrust.png > > that can be put in a tiny shared common subpackage > Seems like a good idea, I'll do that. > python38-wx will need python38-numpy that is not yet available. > Yeah. There's also a problem with the dev package I think, because -lpython3.8m can't find the library, and python3.8m doesn't seem to exist as a command. I might just be being a doofus though so I'll double check that I installed the right packages. > Maybe it is also possible to build python27-wx, but I doubt is is worth > the effort as we should move faster on python3.8 > Yeah, I was more concerned about getting a really well-working wxPython 3.0 build for Python 2. Also I think the combo of wxPython 4 and Python 2 is probably uncommon so yeah I agree, better off focusing on Python 3.8. My only question is that PYTHON3_SITELIB seems to only point to 3.6's site packages folder. Any way I can override this or should I just hardcode "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages" in my cygport file? > Questions: > - why 4.0.7.post2 and not 4.1.0 ? Because 4.1.0 requires wxWidgets 3.1.x, which is not currently in Cygwin, and I have used wxPython 4.0.x a lot and can verify that it works well. Having said that, I fully intend to update it to wxPython 4.1.x sometime soon, it's just that 4.0.x is what I've spent ages debugging so I'd like to get a working build out for that first. > - have you a BUILD_REQUIRES list ? > just to avoid a try loop to test my idea > Actually no but that's a good idea. I'll do that too. Thanks, Hamish