On 23/04/2020 19:52, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote: > The work to split them out is already published: > https://cygwin.com/git-cygwin-packages/?p=git/cygwin-packages/wxWidgets3.0.git > https://cygwin.com/git-cygwin-packages/?p=git/cygwin-packages/python-wx.git > > I suppose I just never needed to actually rebuild python-wx after that, > but the work was done in preparation. Makes sense. > Fair enough. python-sip will need to be updated for that as well, > which requires also updating python-pyqt5* in sync therewith, so this > will need to be coordinated. Okay, good to know. I did manage to get it to compile eventually, but I had an issue where it would say "dlopen: no such process" when trying to import the module. Perhaps using an older version of SIP is responsible for that. I have re-build the packages using your new cygport as the starting point, and it seems to work really well. I made some minor modifications to include the license files and the new patches from Fedora. The new files are available at https://www.hamishmb.com/files/cygwin-temp/ and I have removed the previous attempt's files. Seeing as I have no need to rebuild wxWidgets, I guess that can stay under your maintainership until an update is needed. I'm happy to pick it up when needed though, especially with the split packaging making things easier. Hamish