I've just come up against a "Setup Alert" while running setup-x86.exe version 2.831. This dialog box seems to offer no way to go back and address the cause of the alert; "OK" continues with the installation, while "Cancel" ends the entire installation process immediately. I think either the "Cancel" button should cancel the dialog and take the user back to the previous screen (whence they can click "Cancel" again if they wish to abort the entire installation), or there should be an additional "Back" button that does so without breaking out of the installation entirely. More detail on what I did: I ran setup-x86.exe, and the "Resolving Dependencies" step included installing libusb0 (apparently required by libusb-win32, which I seem to already have installed). Clicking "Next" on the Resolving Dependencies page produced the following alert box: "In order to use libusb0, you must download and run the LibUSB-Win32 driver installer from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win2-releases/" Not, as far as I know, needing any particular USB support in Cygwin, I was planning on stepping back and removing the dependencies, so clicked "Cancel". I expected this to dismiss the dialog box without continuing the installation process. I've attached a slightly redacted cygcheck.out; I don't think it's relevant but I'm including it just in case. This was produced after letting the installation proceed, sadly. I've previously installed some packages from Cygwin Ports, as well as faffing around by hand with some other packages (git* and bash-completion), but I don't think any of that should make a difference to setup-x86.exe's behaviour. To be explicit, my issue is entirely with the dialog behaviour, not with the the requirements of libusb0 and friends. Adam