I'd like to adopt and upgrade libwebp to date as it is now up to 1.2.2 from 0.6.1 and available and supported in most distros and all browsers (including our Qupzilla) except (unsupported) IE and older packages: https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/libwebp-src.html The cygport is available in the libwebp package git repo playground branch: https://cygwin.com/git/?p=git/cygwin-packages/libwebp.git;f=libwebp.cygport;hb=refs/heads/playground and the packages have been built under scallywag: https://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/jobs.cgi?srcpkg=libwebp logs in: https://github.com/cygwin/scallywag/actions/runs/1771264878 I picked up the package because I thought our images at cygwin-htdocs/goldstars/img/ seemed large for small icons: $ wc -c img/* 3473 img/dungbomb.png 1074 img/goldstar.png 1303 img/goldwatch.png 9382 img/pinkwatch.jpg 877 img/platinumwatch.jpg 878 img/plush_hippo.jpg 1055 img/silverstar.png 18042 total so converted them and found they were much smaller in webp format, and reconverting using the upgraded package command: $ cwebp -blend_alpha 0xffffff img/$img -o images/$i.webp $ wc -c images/* 220 images/dungbomb.webp 284 images/goldstar.webp 286 images/goldwatch.webp 322 images/pinkwatch.webp 232 images/platinumwatch.webp 204 images/plush_hippo.webp 174 images/silverstar.webp 1722 total Those images are attached if anyone wants to standardize the images in the directory and update the img src file types in goldstars/index.html. Conversion of all cygwin-htdocs web site images to webp (including using `gif2webp -mixed` and converting X2.bmp to png then webp) would reduce the total image sizes from 907008 to 236842: details are attached. Updating these would make the site more mobile friendly, quicker for those on low-bandwidth connections, and cheaper for those on expensive plans. -- Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada This email may be disturbing to some readers as it contains too much technical detail. Reader discretion is advised. [Data in binary units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]