Hi folks, Do any/some/many of you use cygport ...cygport announce to generate your update announcements, and does it work successfully? It has never worked for me, but Thunderbird, git send-email, mailx, mail, email, s-nail, my own scripts, with similar configs, and telnet, work okay, as shown at the bottom of this email and the log. Any ideas why cygport ... announce using perl libnet/Net::SMTP would have problems, how to diagnose or debug, and fix? Relevant code follows +/_pkg_announce /usr/share/cygport/lib/pkg_upload.cygpart Attached log has irrelevant output and escape sequences removed, commands added, and remainder sanitized; summary is: $ cygport --debug tzcode.cygport announce |& tee cygport-announce-no-mailserver.log ... >>> Preparing announcement tzcode-2020d-1.x86_64 + __pkg_announce ... + /usr/bin/vim /tmp/cygwin-announce-tzcode-2020d-1.oKxmkN Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal ZZ + perl /dev/fd/62 ++ cat Sending announcement of tzcode-2020d-1 via smtp No mailserver at smtp at /dev/fd/62 line 16. + error 'Sending announcement failed, mbox is /tmp/cygwin-announce-tzcode-2020d-1.oKxmkN' + case $? in + local errorcode=9 + echo -e '*** ERROR: Sending announcement failed, mbox is /tmp/cygwin-announce-tzcode-2020d-1.oKxmkN' *** ERROR: Sending announcement failed, mbox is /tmp/cygwin-announce-tzcode-2020d-1.oKxmkN + exit 9 $ telnet smtp smtp |& tee -a cygport-announce-no-mailserver.log Trying ... Connected to smtp. Escape character is '^]'. 220 mo22.dcs.int.inet ...ca ESMTP server ready 250-mo22.dcs.int.inet hello [...], pleased to meet you 250-HELP 250-SIZE 29360128 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250-8BITMIME 250-STARTTLS 250 OK 221 2.0.0 mo22.dcs.int.inet ...ca closing connection Connection closed by foreign host. -- Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada This email may be disturbing to some readers as it contains too much technical detail. Reader discretion is advised. [Data in binary units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]