Hi, I also had problems with the AltGr key. These could reliably be reproduced by holding the AltGr for some seconds (causing Windows generating auto repeat events). Unfortunately the test version at ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20110801-git-2d9f9305cb559907.exe.bz2 doesn't fix this problem for me. I discovered that the mechanism in winkeybd.c function winIsFakeCtrl_L had a problem if PeekMessage cannot obtain the next Alt_R message because it is not there. I prepared a patch that remembers the last Ctrl_L event and reacts on a later following Alt_R. It was also necessary to alter the order in winWindowProc in winwndproc.c: the invocation of winIsFakeCtrl_L had to be done before discarding auto-repeated key presses. The attached patch is against the sources of xserver-cygwin-1.10.3-1. Best regards, Oliver