Hi Mike... At 08:29 AM 1/25/2004 +0000, Mike wrote: >I'm using 4.3.0-42 and have noticed that the following minor bug in >multi-window operation when running on Win2K and WinXPPro: >Two windows (terminal or otherwise) are overlapped and the topmost one has >it's "Always on top" attribute set (by right-clicking on the windows title >bar). The topmost window is then minimised, leaving a copy of its contents >on the desktop, viewable by moving the remaining window over the portion of >the desktop previously occupied by the other window. It's been a while since I submitted a patch, but since this problem is due to my code I'll be nice and fix it. Basically, whenever we get a WM_SYSCOMMAND:SC_MINIMIZE we need to disable the HWND_TOPMOST attribute and let the X system recognize it. On a WM_SYSCOMMAND:SC_RESTORE we just need to reset that attribute to what it was before. I'm attaching a patch *against the CVS -r CYGWIN tree* because I cannot get the XWin-4.3.0-42 source available on http://xfree86.cygwin.com/devel/server/changelog.html to compile properly, whereas the freedesktop CVS goes thru without a hitch. It adds a boolean fAlwaysOnTop to the window privates; caches the AOT value on a WM_SYSCOMMAND:SC_MINIMIZE and removes top-z attributes from the window; restores the AOT value on a WM_SYSCOMMAND:SC_RESTORE; and changes the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED event handler to always allow the Windoze DefWindowProc() to be called (necessary for the changes I did, and doesn't seem to have any negative effects). -Earle F. Philhower, III earle@ziplabel.com cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel http://www.cdrlabel.com