I am trying to use an element of the form "tcp/" in my font path, and it is being rejected. Furthermore, my testing shows that XWin is not even attempting to open a socket. Is the "tcp" transport still supported in the font path? Question 7.7 of the FAQ refers to this syntax, so presumably it worked at some stage. The font server I actually wish to use is on a remote machine, but I have reduced it to a failing test case using localhost: # Listen for connections on port 7100, in the background $ socat TCP-LISTEN:7100 stdio >/dev/null & $ jobs [1]+ Running socat TCP-LISTEN:7100 stdio > /dev/null & $ startxwin /usr/bin/true -- -fp tcp/ Welcome to the XWin X Server Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project Release: ... [dix] Could not init font path element tcp/, removing from list! ... # The background process is still waiting for a connection on port 7100 $ jobs [1]+ Running socat TCP-LISTEN:7100 stdio > /dev/null & # But if we make a connection to the port, then the listening process will stop: $ socat stdio TCP-CONNECT: /dev/null # Conclusion: XWin never even made a connection to port 7100. I have tested this on two machines, both running Window XP Professional SP3. The difference is that on one machine Cygwin runs under a non-admin account, and on the other machine the account has local admin rights. I got the same results on both. I've also tested this with Xming, and it does work. Any idea what's going on? Kind regards, Todd