Upon installing and attempting to execute a .exe put together by the = GNUWin32 stuff, I continually receive "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION" from = cygwin.dll in the bygwin except handler. So I chalked it up to a crappy .exe, but I thought the GNUWin32 concept = was interesting - having toyed with C++ and such briefly in the past.  = As such, I downloaded and installed all the stuff I could gt ahold of. After reading the installation notes, and carefully doing everything = described - I ventured into some source, determined to make my own = executable, one that worked. The shell seems to work fine, with all functions available (even created = and properly mounted /tmp!). Problem is, when i invoke a ./configure command, the config fails in the = same manner as above (when attempting to call awk.exe).  Another oddity = is when I attempt to use make.exe, the same failure occurs in the cygwin = except handler. Since this is occuring in 3 (probably more) independant circumstances, I = am guessing that it is a problem with my install, or the version i have = of cygwin.dll (the original b18 version). All this is occuring on a stand-alone Win95 machine with no other known = problems.  Any tips, suggestions, or comments are welcome. Keep up the good work dlundy@primenet.com