I have some old code I'm trying to port to cygwin. It uses termios and what I'm trying to do is read a single key without waiting. I've attached a simple C source module that sets termios up in the same manner my larger code does. I've compiled it on RH 8 using the provided gcc 3.2 and it works the way I desire: prints -1 continually until a key is hit, then it prints the decimal and ASCII value of the key, then goes back to printing many -1s until the user hits the q key. If I set CYGWIN=tty the code (getchar) waits (doesn't printf anything) until the first key is hit, then getchar returns 0 on successive calls, but no keys are read. I have to exit the code by using ^C. If CYGWIN is unset, the getchar call always waits for a key to be hit (not what I want), and returns the proper value. Is there something else I should set in my CYGWIN environment variable, or termios structure? Pete Stieber