Dear ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for providing the Cygwin DLL and ecosystem. We are using it since many years without any problem. However, today we have run into an issue with cron. Please see the attached logs for details. Additional notes: - O/S is Windows Server 2019 Standard x64 - The cyg_server user has been created by cron-config, and we didn't change anything in that user's configuration afterwards. However, we have verified that this user has sufficient privileges (Replace a process level token, Log on as a service, Create a token object, Be part of the Administrators group). - We did some tests with cron-config. We always stopped the Cygwin Cron Service before running cron-config. We always answered con-config's question the same, except the question "Enter the value of CYGWIN for the daemon". We don't know what this is about, so we first let it at the default value, just hitting Enter. In the next try, we answered "netsec" and hit Enter (as found on stackoverflow). In the third try, we answered "binmode netsec" and hit Enter (as found on the Oracle website). However, the behavior was the same regardless of what answer we had given there. - Our goal is to run the Cygwin cron daemon as a Windows service, to have that Windows service log on as "cyg_server" (not "Administrator" or "System), and to let the cron daemon execute crontabs from different users (including the user "Administrator"). The service is starting and reads Administrator's crontab, but when trying to execute the entries, it can't do that and errors out with "(CRON) error (can't switch user context)". We haven't installed crontabs for other users yet, because the crontab of Administrator is the most important one, so we'd like to concentrate on solving that problem first. We are aware that there are many tutorials and Q&A on the net which deal with exactly this subject. However, none of the proposed solutions worked for us. We would be very glad if you could give us some hints how to solve the problem. Thank you very much, Peter P.S. Please note that /var/log/cron.log and /home/Administrator/cron.log are both empty, so we didn't attach them.