On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 12:03, Jason Fu wrote: > Sorry. > > I use normal user to download and then the admin a/c to install such that all > CYGWIN instaled packages belong to admin. Recently, after downloading by the > normal user a/c, I cannot simply invoke the admin a/c to finish the > installation; it simply stops with both the "back" and "next" buttons dimmed > after MD5 checking!!. I could only "cancel" the installation and nothing else. > I've struggled several times to try to fix the problem: > i) I successfully installed once after removing the /var/log/setup.log* Those log files you removed are out diagnostics mechanism, Get us the logs after you hit cancel, and we might be able to help. Sounds like you've dug yourself a deep hole here by fiddling rather than reporting the issue - and in the process destroyed the diagnostic data we'd need. Rob -- GPG key available at: .