Hello, I've been doing my best to read all the previous FAQ pages, README documents, and forum posts, but I am still having issues getting my cron jobs to run the way I want them to. If I explicitly start cron by calling /usr/sbin/cron, then my jobs run fine, but my application demands that the computer be rebooted daily and I will not be onsite to issue this comand. I would like cron to start up after reboot automatically and if I understand correctly, this is accomplished by following the instructions in cron_diagnose.sh which describe how to shutdown the cron service, uninstall it, reinstall it and start it. Everything works just fine except for starting the service, when I run: cygrunsrv -S cron. I get this error message: cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus: Win32 error 1062: The service has not been started. After reading through some more posts I have become thoroughly confused, so I have resorted to asking for help. The output from cron_diagnose.sh is: cron_diagnose.sh 1.2 This script did not find any errors in your crontab setup. If you are still unable to get cron to work, then try shutting down the cron service, uninstalling it, reinstalling it, and restarting it. The following commands will do that: $ cygrunsrv --stop cron $ cygrunsrv --remove cron $ cygrunsrv --install cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D $ cygrunsrv --start cron If none of this fixes the problem, then report your problem to cygwin@cygwin.com. Please include a copy of your crontab, ('crontab -l') and the output of 'cygcheck -srv > cygcheck.txt'. PLEASE include the generated files 'cygcheck.txt' *as an attachment*, and NOT in the body of the mail message. My crontab looks like this: # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall. # (/tmp/crontab.1244 installed on Wed May 5 23:57:19 2004) # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.7 2003/04/15 15:13:41 corinna Exp $) 53 21 * * * shutdown -r -f now 58 * * * * tcsh /home/stats/Trans/programs/hourly_mover.tcsh 03 22 * * * tcsh /home/stats/Trans/programs/daily_mover.tcsh Thanks in advance for your help. I have attatched cygcheck.txt as instructed. Hank -- ---------------------------------------- Hank Statscewich Institute of Marine Science University of Alaska, Fairbanks PO Box 757220 Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7220 Phone: (907) 474-5720 Cell: (907) 322-0309 fax: (907) 474-7204 email: stats@ims.uaf.edu web: www.salmonproject.org ----------------------------------------