Hello I've got Cygwin runnig on Windows 2003 and wanted to use the cron daemon. I installed it via cygrunsrv -I "CYGWIN crond" -p /usr/sbin/cron.exe -a -D as a NT-Service. Then I added a cronjob via "crontab -e" (I was logged in as Administrator) 5 * * * * echo "test" > test.txt after that, I started the cron-service and waited for the test-job to complete. But instead of doing the job cron complaind in the Syslog about Ereignisinformationen: /USR/SBIN/CRON : PID 228 : (CRON) error (can't switch user context). I checked my install via a shellscript (cron_diagnose.sh) I found in the Mailing-List Archiv, but it didn't find a problem. Is there a solution to this Problem or a work-around? Thanks. René Haber