I am almust sure the problem involves the eternal seek-on-files-with-nonstandard-newlines issue. I suspect it involves cygwin infrastructure or libs, because I saw a related problem when I recently updated cygwin from 1.7.33-1 to 2.3.1-1, along with all packages. The evidence is that immediately on the update, a few bash scripts broke in subtle ways. Bash was having trouble parsing certain kinds of complex expressions. I eventually realized that the only scripts broken were CRLF files. So, I simply ran them thru d2u, and the problem went away. (I concede that all bash scripts should be LF-only, and I am keeping it that way hence.) But that does not help me with less.exe; I depend on it to tail log and output files from Windows apps. Sometimes, with some hassle, I can pipe them thru d2u or similar, but I cannot always do that. I am a programmer. I have been unusually bi-cultural, Windows and Unix, for decades. I have been using cygwin for 20 years, but only as a user: I never develop with it. I lurk on the mailing lists, but this is my first bug report. I deploy cygwin by running setup.exe on one machine, then simply copying c:/cygwin (with cygwin, to preserve links) to a bunch of other machines. I normally do this big update every few months. This procedure has been working fine for about 10 years. I had not done my update for a full year. Recently I started moving a few machines to Win10. I had to update cygwin because of the "two-windows-when-launching-mintty-on-Win10" issue. I mention my update procedure because it implies that my cygwin installation is never really created anew. So, there could be some old stuff in /etc or such places. If you think I should, I can clean and re-install cygwin from scratch on one machine, but that would be a hassle. Just a note: Cygwin is certainly the best-run large software system I use under Windows, especially including Windows itself. Thank you all, particularly Corinna, for many years of quietly superb work.