Greetings, Jay Cotton! > Just installed nc 1.107-4 expecting to use it to debug some code. > This is what I get when I try to run it. > $ nc 23 > bash: /usr/bin/nc: Permission denied [C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin]$ nc.exe 23 ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒♥ Dlink-Router login: [C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin]$ Since nc does not reply to --version, I have no way to tell if it's the same you are running with. > The file permissions are messed up. > $ file /usr/bin/nc > /usr/bin/nc: writable, executable, regular file, no read permission > I don't see the PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows > string. > here is the file in /usr/bin > $ ls -l nc* > -rwxr-xr-x 1 lbmgm lbmgm 24576 Mar 19 2013 nc.exe > I looked at the make file, it seems to be o.k. for generating a > runable program. (uses gcc) but I don't have enough stuff installed > to allow a build. -- With best regards, Andrey Repin Wednesday, March 28, 2018 17:07:26 Sorry for my terrible english...BKCB؛[H\ܝΈY[K؛[\˚[BTNY[K٘\KB[][ێY[K˚[B[XܚXH[ΈY[K[ [XܚXK\[\CBB