Enclosed is the shell script I used to set up a cross compiler for my linux box, It may not be exactly what you need, but reading throug it should give you some pointers ;^). > I have the following problem and question: > I need to build a crosscompiler host: NeXT or Linux and target: Win95. > I have downloaded the complete cdksrc.tar.gz package. After unpacking > I am faced with zillions of files and some 200-300MB of source code. > I understand that I do not need at least some of this code. > Could I simply remove unnecessary files and packages (like hp 68k z88 etc)? > If so what files need to remain? (see enclosed) > I already have a working GNU package supplied with my NeXT installation. > I do not want to corrupt it. Should I (how and where to) change the default > directories (/usr , /etc)? If I recompile the lot as a user and not root > NeXT (Linux) will not allow make to access system directories (am I right?) (depends on what permissions your user account has, but installing as root will probably be necessary) > Is it possible that I use the existing GNU compiler to produce the assembler (ummm, I think you mean the compiler output, and no, the compiler, and assembler, are the 2 tools that HAVE to be different, you can rebuild your system binutils with --enable-targets i386-cygwin32, so that you only have 1 set of ranlib ar ..., but that is a lot of work, especially since you would need (I believe) to go to an all cygnus toolchain, and for only a couple of megabytes I don't think it's worth it.) > output and then run it through crossassembler and crosslinker? This would > greatly speed up the whole procedure.