From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: "Toby Popenfoose" To: Cc:,,,, Subject: re: ODBC 3.5 with cygwin B20.1 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:45:00 -0000 Message-ID: <> X-SW-Source: 1999-03n/msg00320.html Message-ID: <19990331194500.EYz6W0BTSlmwfo0nXyE6oMoovFq-9oRQXwK2kVITplQ@z> The best developer's guide I have found is: ODBC 3.5 Developer's Guide (McGraw-Hill Series) by Roger Sanders it is quite large, but easy reading and all MS Access examples with ODBC compile for cygwin right off the CD. I went through the whole book in a week. If you do not have the MS ODBC 3.5 DLL's and INCLUDE's yet, the ODBC SDK can be downloaded from: It is over 3.5Mbytes. The questions regarding SQLAllocHandle etc. not being found in the CYGWIN B20.1 release is because that libodbc32.a is from a previous version of ODBC. To update libodbc32.a you need the ODBC 3.5 SDK. After you have installed it, you can find a odbc32.lib in the lib32 directory of the SDK. You can create a .def file to create your own libodbc32.a to use with the new DLL by typing the following command line: nm odbc32.lib | grep "0 T _" | sed s/"00000000 T _"//g > odbc32.def then edit the def file to insert the following two lines as the first two lines in the def file. LIBRARY ODBC32.dll EXPORTS Now type the following command line: dlltool -k -D odbc32.dll -d odbc32.def -l libodbc32.a Move libodbc32.a to your lib path (you can overwrite the one that came with cygwin) and you are ready to go. You can use the same procedure with odbccp32.dll. I have used the following odbc code examples with CYGWIN B20.1 and ODBC 3.5 under Windows NT 4.0. It is not completely polished :) Toby Popenfoose # makefile *********************************************************** .SUFFIXES: .exe .cpp .o all: sql.exe showSources.exe showDrivers.exe showFunctions.exe testSQL.exe testExtSQL.exe sql.exe: sql.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ sql.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ showSources.exe: showSources.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ showSources.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ showDrivers.exe: showDrivers.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ showDrivers.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ showFunctions.exe: showFunctions.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ showFunctions.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ testSQL.exe: testSQL.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ testSQL.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 testExtSQL.exe: testExtSQL.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ testExtSQL.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 sql.o: odbcClass.h sql.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ sql.cpp showSources.o: odbcClass.h showSources.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ showSources.cpp showDrivers.o: odbcClass.h showDrivers.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ showDrivers.cpp showFunctions.o: odbcClass.h showFunctions.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ showFunctions.cpp testSQL.o: odbcClass.h testSQL.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ testSQL.cpp testExtSQL.o: odbcClass.h testExtSQL.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ testExtSQL.cpp odbcClass.o: odbcClass.h odbcClass.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ odbcClass.cpp //odbcClass.h ********************************************** #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define STRICT #include #include #include #include int SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue); class odbcClass { public: SQLRETURN returnCode; int keepGoing; odbcClass(); virtual ~odbcClass() = 0; virtual SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue); }; class odbcEnvironment : public odbcClass { public: SQLHANDLE hEnvironment; private: static odbcEnvironment* _instance; protected: odbcEnvironment(); public: ~odbcEnvironment(); static odbcEnvironment* Instance(); void showSources(); void showDrivers(); SQLErrorMessages(char *, SQLRETURN); }; class odbcConnection : public odbcClass { public: SQLHANDLE hConnection; odbcEnvironment *theOdbcEnvironment; odbcConnection(char *, char *, char *); ~odbcConnection(); SQLErrorMessages(char *, SQLRETURN); }; // odbcClass.cpp ********************************************** #include "odbcClass.h" odbcEnvironment* odbcEnvironment::_instance = 0; odbcEnvironment::odbcEnvironment() { returnCode = SQL_SUCCESS; returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hEnvironment); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::SQLAllocHandle", returnCode); if (keepGoing) { /* Set the ODBC version environment attribute */ returnCode = SQLSetEnvAttr (hEnvironment, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER)SQL_OV_ODBC3, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("odbcEnvironment::SQLSetEnvAttr", returnCode); } } odbcEnvironment::~odbcEnvironment() { // if (hConnection != NULL) returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment); SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::SQLFreeHandle", returnCode); } odbcEnvironment* odbcEnvironment::Instance() { if (_instance == 0) _instance = new odbcEnvironment; return _instance; } void odbcEnvironment::showSources() { // Declare The Local Memory Variables SQLCHAR DataSource[31]; SQLCHAR Description[255]; SQLSMALLINT DS_Size; SQLSMALLINT DescSize; // Print The Information Header cout.setf(ios::left); cout.width(24); cout << "Data Source" << "Description (Comment)" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) cout << "-"; cout << endl; // List All ODBC Data Sources Available while (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { // Retrieve A Data Source Name returnCode = SQLDataSources(hEnvironment, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, DataSource, sizeof(DataSource), &DS_Size, Description, sizeof(Description), &DescSize); // Print The Data Source Name Retrieved if (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::showSources", returnCode); cout.setf(ios::left); cout.width(24); cout << DataSource << Description << endl; } } } void odbcEnvironment::showDrivers() { // Declare The Local Memory Variables SQLCHAR DriverDesc[255]; SQLCHAR Attributes[255]; SQLSMALLINT DescSize; SQLSMALLINT AttrSize; int i, j; SQLCHAR Value[50]; // List All ODBC Data Sources Available while (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { // Retrieve Information About A Driver returnCode = SQLDrivers(hEnvironment, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, DriverDesc, sizeof(DriverDesc), &DescSize, Attributes, sizeof(Attributes), &AttrSize); // Print The Driver Description if (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::showDrivers", returnCode); cout << DriverDesc << endl << endl; // Parse And Print The Driver Attributes for (i = 0, j = 0; i < AttrSize; i++) { Value[j] = Attributes[i]; j++; if (Attributes[i] == '\0') { cout << " " << Value << endl; j = 0; } } } cout << endl; } } odbcEnvironment::SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLRETURN returnValue) { odbcClass::SQLErrorMessages(functionName, SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment, returnValue); } odbcConnection::odbcConnection(char *DSN, char *UID, char *PWD) { returnCode = SQL_SUCCESS; theOdbcEnvironment = odbcEnvironment::Instance(); returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, theOdbcEnvironment->hEnvironment, &hConnection); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLAllocHandle", returnCode); if (keepGoing) { returnCode = SQLConnect(hConnection, (SQLCHAR *)DSN, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *)UID, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *)PWD, SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLConnect", returnCode); } if (keepGoing) { returnCode = SQLSetConnectAttr(hConnection, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLSetConnectAttr", returnCode); } if (keepGoing) { returnCode = SQLSetConnectAttr(hConnection, SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLSetConnectAttr", returnCode); } } odbcConnection::~odbcConnection() { returnCode = SQLEndTran(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hConnection, SQL_ROLLBACK); SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLEndTran", returnCode); returnCode = SQLDisconnect(hConnection); SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLDisconnect", returnCode); returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hConnection); SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLFreeHandle", returnCode); } odbcConnection::SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLRETURN returnValue) { odbcClass::SQLErrorMessages(functionName, SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hConnection, returnValue); } odbcClass::odbcClass(){} odbcClass::~odbcClass(){} int odbcClass::SQLErrorMessages (char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue) { SQLINTEGER NativeErr; SQLCHAR SQLState[6]; SQLRETURN errorMessageError; SQLCHAR ErrMsg[255]; SQLSMALLINT ErrMsgLen; SQLINTEGER recordCount; if (returnValue != SQL_SUCCESS) { cerr << "After " << functionName << " and Return Code : "; switch (returnValue) { case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: cerr << "SQL SUCCESS WITH INFO"; break; case SQL_NO_DATA: cerr << "SQL NO DATA"; break; case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: cerr << "SQL INVALID HANDLE ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-"; break; case SQL_NEED_DATA: cerr << "SQL NEED DATA"; break; case SQL_STILL_EXECUTING: cerr << "SQL STILL EXECUTING"; break; case SQL_ERROR: cerr << "SQL ERROR"; break; default: cerr << "INVALID RETURN CODE??? ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-" << endl; return 0; } cerr << endl; if (returnValue != SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { if (SQLGetDiagField (handleType, handle, 0, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER, &recordCount, SQL_IS_INTEGER, 0) == SQL_SUCCESS) { for (int i = 1; i <= recordCount; i++) { errorMessageError = SQLGetDiagRec (handleType, handle, i, SQLState, &NativeErr, ErrMsg, 255, &ErrMsgLen); cerr << "SQLSTATE : " << SQLState << endl; cerr << ErrMsg << endl; } } } } if (returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS || returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return 1; else return 0; } int SQLErrorMessages (char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue) { SQLINTEGER NativeErr; SQLCHAR SQLState[6]; SQLRETURN errorMessageError; SQLCHAR ErrMsg[255]; SQLSMALLINT ErrMsgLen; SQLINTEGER recordCount; if (returnValue != SQL_SUCCESS) { cerr << "After " << functionName << " and Return Code : "; switch (returnValue) { case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: cerr << "SQL SUCCESS WITH INFO"; break; case SQL_NO_DATA: cerr << "SQL NO DATA"; break; case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: cerr << "SQL INVALID HANDLE ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-"; break; case SQL_NEED_DATA: cerr << "SQL NEED DATA"; break; case SQL_STILL_EXECUTING: cerr << "SQL STILL EXECUTING"; break; case SQL_ERROR: cerr << "SQL ERROR"; break; default: cerr << "INVALID RETURN CODE??? ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-" << endl; return 0; } cerr << endl; if (returnValue != SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { if (SQLGetDiagField (handleType, handle, 0, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER, &recordCount, SQL_IS_INTEGER, 0) == SQL_SUCCESS) { for (int i = 1; i <= recordCount; i++) { errorMessageError = SQLGetDiagRec (handleType, handle, i, SQLState, &NativeErr, ErrMsg, 255, &ErrMsgLen); cerr << "SQLSTATE : " << SQLState << endl; cerr << ErrMsg << endl; } } } } if (returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS || returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return 1; else return 0; } // showDrivers.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcClass.h" void main(void) { odbcEnvironment *theOdbcEnvironment; theOdbcEnvironment = odbcEnvironment::Instance(); theOdbcEnvironment->showDrivers(); } // showFunctions.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHDBC hdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN returnCode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; SQLUSMALLINT supported; int keepGoing = 1; struct SQLFunctions { SQLUSMALLINT apiFunctionCode; char *apiFunctionName; } sqlFunctions[] = { { SQL_API_SQLALLOCCONNECT, "SQLALLOCCONNECT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLALLOCENV, "SQLALLOCENV << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLALLOCHANDLE, "SQLALLOCHANDLE" }, { SQL_API_SQLALLOCSTMT, "SQLALLOCSTMT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLBINDCOL, "SQLBINDCOL" }, { SQL_API_SQLBINDPARAMETER, "SQLBINDPARAMETER" }, { SQL_API_SQLBROWSECONNECT, "SQLBROWSECONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLBULKOPERATIONS, "SQLBULKOPERATIONS" }, { SQL_API_SQLCANCEL, "SQLCANCEL" }, { SQL_API_SQLCLOSECURSOR, "SQLCLOSECURSOR" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLATTRIBUTE, "SQLCOLATTRIBUTE" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLATTRIBUTES, "SQLCOLATTRIBUTES << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLUMNPRIVILEGES, "SQLCOLUMNPRIVILEGES" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLUMNS, "SQLCOLUMNS" }, { SQL_API_SQLCONNECT, "SQLCONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOPYDESC, "SQLCOPYDESC" }, { SQL_API_SQLDATASOURCES, "SQLDATASOURCES" }, { SQL_API_SQLDESCRIBECOL, "SQLDESCRIBECOL" }, { SQL_API_SQLDESCRIBEPARAM, "SQLDESCRIBEPARAM" }, { SQL_API_SQLDISCONNECT, "SQLDISCONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLDRIVERCONNECT, "SQLDRIVERCONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLDRIVERS, "SQLDRIVERS" }, { SQL_API_SQLENDTRAN, "SQLENDTRAN" }, { SQL_API_SQLERROR, "SQLERROR << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLEXECDIRECT, "SQLEXECDIRECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLEXECUTE, "SQLEXECUTE" }, { SQL_API_SQLEXTENDEDFETCH, "SQLEXTENDEDFETCH << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLFETCH, "SQLFETCH" }, { SQL_API_SQLFETCHSCROLL, "SQLFETCHSCROLL" }, { SQL_API_SQLFOREIGNKEYS, "SQLFOREIGNKEYS" }, { SQL_API_SQLFREECONNECT, "SQLFREECONNECT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLFREEENV, "SQLFREEENV << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLFREEHANDLE, "SQLFREEHANDLE" }, { SQL_API_SQLFREESTMT, "SQLFREESTMT" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETCONNECTATTR, "SQLGETCONNECTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETCONNECTOPTION, "SQLGETCONNECTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLGETCURSORNAME, "SQLGETCURSORNAME" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDATA, "SQLGETDATA" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDESCFIELD, "SQLGETDESCFIELD" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDESCREC, "SQLGETDESCREC" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDIAGFIELD, "SQLGETDIAGFIELD" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDIAGREC, "SQLGETDIAGREC" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETENVATTR, "SQLGETENVATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETFUNCTIONS, "SQLGETFUNCTIONS" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETINFO, "SQLGETINFO" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETSTMTATTR, "SQLGETSTMTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETSTMTOPTION, "SQLGETSTMTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLGETTYPEINFO, "SQLGETTYPEINFO" }, { SQL_API_SQLMORERESULTS, "SQLMORERESULTS" }, { SQL_API_SQLNATIVESQL, "SQLNATIVESQL" }, { SQL_API_SQLNUMPARAMS, "SQLNUMPARAMS" }, { SQL_API_SQLNUMRESULTCOLS, "SQLNUMRESULTCOLS" }, { SQL_API_SQLPARAMDATA, "SQLPARAMDATA" }, { SQL_API_SQLPARAMOPTIONS, "SQLPARAMOPTIONS << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLPREPARE, "SQLPREPARE" }, { SQL_API_SQLPRIMARYKEYS, "SQLPRIMARYKEYS" }, { SQL_API_SQLPROCEDURECOLUMNS, "SQLPROCEDURECOLUMNS" }, { SQL_API_SQLPROCEDURES, "SQLPROCEDURES" }, { SQL_API_SQLPUTDATA, "SQLPUTDATA" }, { SQL_API_SQLROWCOUNT, "SQLROWCOUNT" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETCONNECTATTR, "SQLSETCONNECTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETCONNECTOPTION, "SQLSETCONNECTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSETCURSORNAME, "SQLSETCURSORNAME" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETDESCFIELD, "SQLSETDESCFIELD" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETDESCREC, "SQLSETDESCREC" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETENVATTR, "SQLSETENVATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETPARAM, "SQLSETPARAM << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSETPOS, "SQLSETPOS" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETSCROLLOPTIONS, "SQLSETSCROLLOPTIONS << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSETSTMTATTR, "SQLSETSTMTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETSTMTOPTION, "SQLSETSTMTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS, "SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS" }, { SQL_API_SQLSTATISTICS, "SQLSTATISTICS" }, { SQL_API_SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES, "SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES" }, { SQL_API_SQLTABLES, "SQLTABLES" }, { SQL_API_SQLTRANSACT, "SQLSQLTRANSACT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_ALL_FUNCTIONS, "ALL_FUNCTIONS << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, // returns bitmap. (not tested) { SQL_API_ODBC3_ALL_FUNCTIONS, "ODBC3_ALL_FUNCTIONS" } // ditto... (maybe in future) }; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("Northwind","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { for (int i = 0; i < 76; i++) { returnCode = SQLGetFunctions(testCon.hConnection, sqlFunctions[i].apiFunctionCode, &supported); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLGetFunctions", SQL_HANDLE_DBC, testCon.hConnection, returnCode); if (keepGoing) { cout << sqlFunctions[i].apiFunctionName << "() is "; if (supported == TRUE) cout << "supported "; else cout << "not supported "; cout << "by the current data source." << endl; } } } return 0; } // showSources.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcClass.h" void main(void) { odbcEnvironment *theOdbcEnvironment; theOdbcEnvironment = odbcEnvironment::Instance(); theOdbcEnvironment->showSources(); } // sql.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHDBC hdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; int keepGoing = 1; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("WAR","tp","t13"); odbcConnection testCon22("Northwind","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { /* Allocate statement handle */ retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { /* Process data */ retcode = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (unsigned char *) "SELECT * FROM LDACH00 " "WHERE DWORK > '19980814' ", SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLExecDirect", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { retcode = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &sNumResults); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLNumResultCols", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { if (sNumResults > 0) { cout << "7" << " = " << sNumResults << endl; #define NameBufferLength 256 ULONG dept, costc, dwork, mchrs; SQLINTEGER cbdeptID, cbcostcID, cbdworkID, cbmchrsID; SQLCHAR nameBuffer[NameBufferLength]; SQLSMALLINT nameLength, dataType, decimalDigits, nullable; SQLUINTEGER columnSize; for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { SQLDescribeCol (hstmt, i, nameBuffer, NameBufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable); if (dataType == SQL_CHAR) { cout << nameBuffer << " = " << dataType << ',' << columnSize << ',' << nameLength << ',' << decimalDigits << endl; } else cout << nameBuffer << " = " << dataType << endl; } SQLBindCol (hstmt, 3, SQL_C_ULONG, &dept, 0, &cbdeptID); SQLBindCol (hstmt, 4, SQL_C_ULONG, &costc, 0, &cbcostcID); SQLBindCol (hstmt, 7, SQL_C_ULONG, &dwork, 0, &cbdworkID); SQLBindCol (hstmt, 24, SQL_C_ULONG, &mchrs, 0, &cbmchrsID); while (TRUE) { retcode = SQLFetch (hstmt); if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) cout << dept << ", " << costc << ", " << dwork << ", " << mchrs << endl; else break; } } } } SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); } SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } return 0; } // testSQL.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; int keepGoing = 1; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("Northwind","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { /* Allocate statement handle */ retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, testCon.hConnection, &hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { char sqlBuffer[255]; cin.getline(sqlBuffer,255); cout << sqlBuffer << endl << endl; /* Process data */ retcode = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (unsigned char *) sqlBuffer, SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLExecDirect", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { retcode = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &sNumResults); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLNumResultCols", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing && sNumResults > 0) { #define NameBufferLength 255 SQLCHAR nameBuffer[NameBufferLength]; SQLSMALLINT nameLength, dataType, decimalDigits, nullable; SQLUINTEGER columnSize; char *dataArray = new char[NameBufferLength * sNumResults]; for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { retcode = SQLDescribeCol (hstmt, i, nameBuffer, NameBufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLDescribeCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { cout << nameBuffer << " , " ; retcode = SQLBindCol (hstmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR, dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength), NameBufferLength, 0); SQLErrorMessages ("SQLBindCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); } } cout << endl; while (TRUE) { retcode = SQLFetch (hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLFetch", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { cout << dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength) << " , " ; } cout << endl; } else break; } delete dataArray; } } SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); } SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } return 0; } // testExtSQL.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; int keepGoing = 1; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("Big1996","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { /* Allocate statement handle */ retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, testCon.hConnection, &hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { // char sqlBuffer[255]; //cin.getline(sqlBuffer,255); //cout << sqlBuffer << endl << endl; /* Process data */ retcode = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (unsigned char *) "select djobyr,ncusto,njob,mjob from ldempl", SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLExecDirect", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { retcode = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &sNumResults); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLNumResultCols", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing && sNumResults > 0) { #define NameBufferLength 255 SQLCHAR nameBuffer[NameBufferLength]; SQLSMALLINT nameLength, dataType, decimalDigits, nullable; SQLUINTEGER columnSize; char *dataArray = new char[NameBufferLength * sNumResults]; for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { retcode = SQLDescribeCol (hstmt, i, nameBuffer, NameBufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLDescribeCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { cout << nameBuffer << " , " ; retcode = SQLBindCol (hstmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR, dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength), NameBufferLength, 0); SQLErrorMessages ("SQLBindCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); } } cout << endl; while (TRUE) { retcode = SQLFetch (hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLFetch", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { cout << dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength) << " , " ; } cout << endl; } else break; } delete dataArray; } } SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); } SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } return 0; } // Toby Popenfoose -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to