On Mar 7 20:12, akikij@free.fr wrote: > Hi, Corinna > > Here an example of one problematic ACL > Here on /etc directory (here on remote system) > [...] > # file: . > # owner: Unknown+User > # group: Unknown+Group > user::rwx > group::r-x > other:r-x > default:user::rwx > default:group::r-x > default:other:r-x > > $ icacls . > . NULL SID:(DENY)(Rc,S) > S-1-5-21-1315901005-2739448750-426064240-1000:(F) > S-1-5-21-1315901005-2739448750-426064240-513:(RX) > Tout le monde:(RX) > NULL SID:(OI)(CI)(IO)(DENY)(Rc,S) > CREATEUR PROPRIETAIRE:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F) > GROUPE CREATEUR:(OI)(CI)(IO)(RX) > Tout le monde:(OI)(CI)(IO)(RX) I assume your machines are not in a domain? The SIDs of that user on the remote machine are unknown to Cygwin. For the time being, Cygwin can't automatically fetch SIDs on remote shares unless you're using Active Directory. To fix that locally you have to create /etc/passwd and /etc/group entries for the remote accounts using `mkpasswd -l ' and `mkgroup -l '. Other than that, the above SID and it's evaluation via getfacl are perfectly valid. > When I get Security Tab for this directory, > Windows returns a popup message "Authorizations on etc unordered, some entries may be skipped" > After answering OK, a new panel is shown and as I click on Advanced Autorisations > Windows returns a message proposing to order the ACLs. > After ordering, I get : Again, don't do that. What do you want to do *exactly*? Do you want to change the owner and group of the file? If so, use Cygwin's chown, please. Never rearrange Cygwin ACLs using non-Cygwin tools if you want them to stay functional for the reasons outlined in my previous replies. Corinna -- Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Red Hat