Since upgrading a WS2008 R2 system to 3.0.1, attempts to ssh to the server fail unless some user logs into Windows first. In this case, that is by RDP, and it doesn't need to be the same user as the one logging in by ssh. After logging out of the windows-native session, ssh continues to work. Windows event logs report a failed attempt for "NULL SID" and ---- Failure Reason: An error occured during Logon. Status: 0xc00000bb Sub Status: 0x0 Caller Process Name: C:\cygwin64\usr\sbin\sshd.exe Detailed Authentication Information: Logon Process: Cygwin.1 Authentication Package: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0 Key Length: 0 ---- Reversion to cygwin 2.11.2 resolves the issue, but upgrading to cygwin1-20190304.dll snapshot does not. The system had previously been using CygLSA, see: ---- $ HIVE='/machine/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Lsa' $ regtool get $HIVE/'Authentication Packages' msv1_0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cyglsa\cyglsa64.dll ---- I removed cyglsa64.dll from this entry (leaving msv1_0 of course!) and the symptoms are the same. I understand that Cygwin 3.0 isn't needing Cyglsa. Cron jobs are also unable to run. Cronevents reports "(CRON) error (can't switch user context)" until after first windows login, and works from that point forward. Is this a limitation of seteuid() or msv1_0 on WS2008R2? All important&critical windows updates have been applied. Cron and Sshd are running as LocalSystem. Output from cygcheck attached. Is this a known problem? Is there any workaround or fix to let cron and sshd work without a windows login first to prime the pump? Thanks, Stephen Carrier BEAR Center UC Berkeley