>Hi, >When I fire this command: >“cntlm -c cntlm.ini -M http://www.google.de” >I’m getting this error: >“0 [main] cntlm 22772 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer.” >Another problem is that I cann’t generate encrypted password, but maybe it is problem z my organization network settings. >“Password: >Config profile 1/4... >Connection to proxy failed, bailing out” >MF >This e-mail and the documents attached are covered business secret the Atos group entities and contain confidential information intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. Atos Poland Global Services spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Bydgoszcz (previously Atos Global Delivery Center Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa), address: 85-240 Bydgoszcz, Kraszewskiego 1 , entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Judicial Register under the number 0000811198 by the District Court in Bydgoszcz, XIII Commercial Department of the National Judicial Register, NIP: 5213207288, share capital PLN 3 805 500. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group entities liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavors to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted. https://cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.using.fixing-find_fast_cwd-warnings