> Your problem is really baffling. > Recreating /etc/passwd should have no negative effect, > and editing the uid in /etc/passwd should not matter. > > - Are there perhaps two FischRon on the machine, a domain > user and a local user? No, but could it be that there is a problem with upper/lowercase? My Windows login is "fischron" (all lower case), but when I send email, the address is "FischRon.external@infineon.com". Of course spelling does not matter in email, but maybe this is a hint that my user id is written in different case on two different places, where it really should have been written in the same way? > - Could you send me the outputs of "cacls x" and "cacls y", > where x and y are the files you ran getfacl on? > - Also run "strace -o trace.txt chmod 660 x" and send me > trace .txt. Actually, the permission problem was identified to be wrong Windows properties (see my related posting under the heading "ssh ceased to work after recreation of /etc/passwd"), and after I manually changed these permissions for file x, it now behaves fine. However I include here the cacls output for another file where I did not correct the Windows file properties yet - maybe you can see extract additional useful information from it: ~/tmp $ cacls tg.pl h:\tmp\tg.pl EU\fischron:C EU\MUC-ADM-FileOperators-Home-L:C VORDEFINIERT\Administrators:F EU\MUC-ADM-FileOperators-L:F Here in contrast a file which works: ~/tmp $ cacls y h:\tmp\y EU\fischron:(Beschr"nkter Zugriff:) STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL DELETE READ_CONTROL WRITE_DAC WRITE_OWNER SYNCHRONIZE STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED FILE_GENERIC_READ FILE_GENERIC_WRITE FILE_READ_DATA FILE_WRITE_DATA FILE_APPEND_DATA FILE_READ_EA FILE_WRITE_EA FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES EU\Domain Users:(Beschr"nkter Zugriff:) READ_CONTROL SYNCHRONIZE FILE_GENERIC_READ FILE_GENERIC_WRITE FILE_READ_DATA FILE_WRITE_DATA FILE_APPEND_DATA FILE_READ_EA FILE_WRITE_EA FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES Jeder:(Beschr"nkter Zugriff:) READ_CONTROL FILE_READ_EA FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES I have also attached the trace.txt of strace -o trace.txt chmod 660 tg.pl Ronald