I'm encountering a couple of problems trying to download Cygwin using the new setup program. To begin with, my primary computer runs Linux, not Windows, so I can't even run the setup program from there. I have Windows installed on a virtual machine which is connected to my Linux box on a private network, and I am able to access the Internet using NAT. When I run the setup program from the virtual machine, I get the list of mirror sites to choose from. The first site I tried out was ftp://planetmirror.com. This site uses passive ftp, which does not work through NAT at all; ftp got stuck waiting for a connection which it would never get. The next site I tried was ftp://ftp.nas.nasa.gov. This time it got the setup.ini file, and I proceeded to go through the package list, selecting the components that I wanted to download. By the time I got finished and told the setup program to start downloading everything, I was bombarded by a series of failed transfer errors. According to the log, the setup program had kept the ftp connection open the entire time I was sorting through the package list, and expected it to still be open by the time I was finished! The ftp server, on the other hand, had long since timed out and closed the connection, hence the transfer errors. I went back to ftp://planetmirror.com a second time because I hadn't thought to save the log file as evidence. This time, it couldn't even make a decent ftp connection; it got stuck in some kind of infinite loop. I can't even imagine why the log is filled up with "ftp > ("'s. These problems could be fixed in the setup program by A) forcing ftp connections to active mode (or providing a user option to choose passive or active transfers), and B) closing the ftp connection after fetching setup.ini, and reopening it when it's time to fetch the rest of the files. Fortunately I was able to download Cygwin through the ftp://ftp.sunsite.utk.edu mirror.