Well, it is showing up with two processes in the windows task manager, with one consuming 15% or so of the CPU, but the icon never appears in the task bar. The system is a fresh install of cygwin 64 bit version on a new laptop - see attached cygcheck.out. To reproduce this the x server is started with the "XWin Server" entry under "Cygwin-X" on the Start Menu. The menu actually worked for me in the beginning and I managed to pinpoint what broke it. Originally I had only xorg-server, xinit and xclock installed. That worked, the x server and the menu came up quickly, but xclock complained about missing fonts. So I installed the 6 xorg-x11-fonts-* packages. That broke it. I uninstalled the six fonts again and reinstalled them one after the other. With all except xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic installed the menu keeps working as expected. No, I didn't try yet if the ethiopic font breaks it again when I install it. Volker -- PGP/GPG key (ID: 0x9F8A785D) available from wwwkeys.de.pgp.net key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913 9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D