Hi Fred, Fred Reimer wrote: > My main problem now is that I'm using the link-compatible egcs with the > Platform SDK from Microsoft and I don't think egcs like's the "interface" > stuff for COM and DirectX. "Normal" programs seem to compile fine though. > ... > Anyone have any clues for the "interface" problem? Not sure what you're problems actually are. For background: C++-style COM objects don't work with g++ currently AFAIK. To do that, g++ would need to change it's internal object layout to be COM-compatible. I once looked into the code that g++ generates for objects, and it looks like adaptation of the g++ object layout to COM should be possible as a variation of the vtable-thunks configuration. C-style COM objects are very clumsy to use, but they actually should work. They possibly need a bit of work in the headers in basic macros. Haven't tried it, but there is no reason why this should not be possible. so long, benny ====================================== Benjamin Riefenstahl (benny@crocodial.de) Crocodial Communications EntwicklungsGmbH Ruhrstraße 61, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request@cygnus.com" with one line of text: "help".