wrote: > TB> Though Cygwin seems to have left MKS in the dust for most > TB> of the functions I am interested in -- vim vs. vi, mutt > TB> vs. mailx, fetchmail vs. something-that-didn't-work-for-me, > TB> procmail vs. nothing -- there are a few commands that I still > TB> use in their MKS versions: > > TB> cpio - is this out of fashion now, or what? > > yes, it is. the big difference between cpio and tar in ages past was > that cpio could handle devices. (arguably, complete lists in > configuration management are handled much easier by cpio's stdin > filename input method). however, gnutar now handles devices just as well. > in addition, gnutar handles major compression techniques internally. > source for gnu cpio (i have used ver. 2.4.2 for years) is readily > available and compiles ootb on cygwin. it handles all of my ancient > archives from multiple platforms. Yeah, but cpio is still valuable for mucking with rpm's. I often do this, when I want to extract code without installing the rpm... rpm2cpio foo.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories Granted, we don't have rpm yet, so... > TB> flip - changes CRLF endings; no equivalent in Cygwin? > > easy to do in any shell: invoke /bin/tr to do the translation > you need. e.g. for cr to lf: cat $file | /bin/tr '\015' '\ d2u and u2d are already in the cygutils package. > TB> more - sometimes I do not want the text to disappear from > TB> the screen on exit > > /bin/more is part of cygwin on my system (current as of 2 hours ago, > full install). Yep. But don't use it -- less is much better. > > TB> rev - reverse order of characters in a line > This is on my TODO list for cygutils. On linux, it is part of the util-linux package, a grab bag of random small utilities. On cygwin, cygutils is the grab bag of random small utilities: hence... I've attached the util-linux source for rev.c -- it's a bit more complex (complete?) than some of the other implementations...I'll probably use it as the basis for cygutils' version. --Chuck